Immigration Benefits: Getting a Job

Permanent resident status allows immigrants to live work and study in the United States. Likely the easiest way to get a green card is to win one through the State Department’s Green Card Lottery. Fortunately, the registration period for the lottery, which only occurs once a year, is going on right now and will end on the third of November. File with and you can ensure that your application will be accepted by the Department of State which will automatically maximize your chances of winning a green card.

One of the biggest benefits of getting a green card is that you can get a job anywhere in the United States. The reason that this is different from a green card granted through a job (another class of green card) is that you do not need to have extremely specific skills and nor do you have to apply for the job overseas. In fact, you will be applying for jobs in a very similar way to how natural born citizens apply for jobs.

It’s likely that you are already familiar with the job application process already since it isn’t much different from many other countries. However, there are some things that you should be familiar with, particularly customs, procedures and documentation to make the process as smooth as it can be.

When looking for a job there are some pretty general places to look. The classified ads in a newspaper, online job resource sites, help wanted signs around town or personnel employment agencies are all good places to look for the job you want. Often times they will come with instructions on how to apply. Generally these request that you send in a resume (a single sheet of paper that details your work and education history along with your contact information) which you will send in. It’s a good idea to send out a large amount of resumes.

While you wait to get an interview appointment you should gather the documentation you will need to be hired. You will need two forms of Identification, photo IDs and passports are almost universally accepted. Your social security number will also be required to link your name with the appropriate tax forms.

When you go in for your interview be confident and honest and you will go farther than you would ever expect. Punctuality is also incredibly important in American culture. Some employers will simply ignore your resume (no matter how impressive it may be) if you do not show up on-time for your interview. The best idea is to show up a little early, perhaps five minutes early, just so that you can orient yourself into the environment and you don’t have to feel very harried and uncomfortable.

Now you’re well on your way to success in the American workplace! With the green card you won with the Green Card Lottery you can begin your career in one of the most exciting capitalist experiments in history: the United States of America!